March 20, 2024

Plume Take Flight Program is Live!

2 min read

At Plume Network, we’re constantly exploring innovative and meaningful ways to support our growing ecosystem. Since we launched our Ecosystem Map a few weeks ago, we realized that, although we had many projects, we needed to figure out how to continue supporting them. To that end, we have negotiated discounts and premium services to provide a set of critical development tools, grouped into a starter pack called the Plume Network Take Flight Program. Projects can use this to build, grow, and scale your dApps on Plume Network.

There are over 35+ service providers across more than 11+ verticals that will be vital for a young project’s growth. Each of these partners has recognized the rapidly expanding Plume Ecosystem and has committed to helping each of the individual projects grow. Projects in Plume’s ecosystem can now visit our website to review the list of services, ranging from security audits by Certik to on and off-ramp services by Supra Oracles, and even marketing and PR firms in different regions.

Here’s our whole list below:

Polyhedra | Bware Labs | EthSign | TokenTable |Omni | Magna | Brickken
Outlier Ventures | PitchTalk | Zerostage
Auditing Services
Certik | Omniscia | Chainlight | Halborn | Quill | ImmuneBytes
Identity & Compliance
Parallel Markets
Dev Tooling
Aethos | Thirdweb
HR & Payroll
Marketing Agency
RWA World | Bitcoin Addict | Criptomonedas | Babs Agency
Onramp & Offramps
Kado | Alchemypay
Galxe | Notifi | Aspecta |Bonus Block
Wallet as a Service
Biconomy | dfns | Privy | Particle Network

To learn about each specific partner and their offerings, check out our website.

About Plume

Plume is the first modular L2 blockchain dedicated for all real world assets (RWAs) that integrates asset tokenization and compliance providers directly into the chain. Our mission is to simplify the convoluted processes of RWA project deployment and offer investors a blockchain ecosystem to cross-pollinate and invest in various RWAs. In addition, Plume enables RWA composability through its thriving DeFi applications and provides access to high-quality buyers to increase liquidity for all tokenized RWAs.